
Redox processes in Earth’s subsurface interact in complex ways that are greatly affected by hydrological, mineralogical and biogeochemical factors. My research explores the scales of environmental variability in redox processes from the lab to the field; I am especially interested in data-driven and statistical approaches to better understand and especially quantify these factors. Currently, I study how these factors interact in the subsurface to drive the naturally-occurring release of toxic arsenic into groundwater. Next, I am interested in investigating currently-used mitigation strategies that re-distribute contaminants in the environment.


UW-Madison (starting Fall 2024)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geoscience

ETH Zurich
ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship (2022-2024)

Join my group!

I am looking for highly motivated group members at all levels to join my group at UW-Madison in Fall 2024.
I welcome all interested applicants to get in touch by emailing me at athena.nghiem [AT] For applicants interested in a MS, PhD, or post-doc, please also include a brief description of your research interests and a CV or resume in your email. I especially encourage applicants from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds, and I am dedicated to cultivating a safe and inclusive laboratory environment.


athena.nghiem [AT]
ETH Zürich
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich